
Learn Nvim Lesson1


About 397 wordsAbout 1 min




basic command structure

verb + conduct + obj

v / (d) / (c)

  • v i t 选中当前tab 内(in) 的所有内容
  • v a t 选中当前tab的所有内容
  • v i "tag" 选中当前tag闭包内的所有内容
  • v a "tag" 选中当前tag中的所有内容 包括tag符号
  • v i w 选中当前word


  • a means all
  • i means inside


  • t means current tag
  • w means current word
  • () {} [] <>
  • p means current paragraph
  • b/B means current block

common hotkeys


  • V: select current line


  • $: jump to end
  • ^: jump to start(first non empty string)
  • 0: jump to start
  • {number}gg: jump to {number} line
  • {number}G: jump to {number} line
  • gg: jump to head of file
  • G: jump to tail of file
  • M: jump to middle of file
  • { : move to prev empty line
  • } : move to next empty line
    • : highlight current word and jump
  • n: to next highlight word
  • N: to prev highlight word
  • zt: move highlight line to top
  • zb: move highlight line to bottom
  • zz: move highlight line to middle


  • 3 + obj: v / d / c
  • 2 no obj: x / s
  • i: insert
  • I : insert on head
  • a: append
  • A: append on tail
  • s: substitute
  • o : open a new line
  • O : open a new line before
  • ciw / diw
  • how to choose a function: {number}gg + V + %
  • J: join line
  • C: substitute to end of line
  • D: delete to end of line
  • cc: substitute the whole line
  • dd: delete the whole line
  • =G: pretty code below


  • ctrl + w : trigger
  • trigger + h/j/k/l: split pane and move
  • trigger + o: only one group
  • trigger + w: jump to another pane
  • : tabonly[tabo]: only one ta


  • gd: go to definition
  • gh: go to reference
  • K: hover


  • w: changed origin key! --> trigger easy motion plugin, w +
  • u: undo
  • ctrl + r : redo
  • . : repeat edit
  • ; : repeat find

next steps!

  • yank and paste
  • command mode
  • micro
  • complex operations

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